Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My sneaky ninja

Lately Emma has been on the move!  She has developed a new butt scootching move.  She leans all the way forward with her legs splayed out and scootches her butt forward.  I will put her down in the middle of the rug and step away for a minute, and when I come back she has scootched all the way across the rug to the toy she wants.  She's sneaky like a ninja though, and won't let me capture it on video.  She is also getting closer and closer to crawling.  Today at storytime she actually lifted her torso up and was on all fours.  So any day now....

Here are some other new, fun things Emma has been doing:

  • talking a lot, and saying "mama" (but she doesn't know what she's saying)
  • shaking her head back and forth like she is saying no (again, she doesn't know she is saying 'no', she just likes to shake her head)
  • having lots of fun playing with other kids, her grandparents, and her auntie K
  • exploring things on her own; she will happily play with toys on the carpet for a long time

Some not so fun things Emma has been doing:

  • still waking up 3 times a night, and at least a couple times a week waking up every 2 hours
  • getting super crabby at dinner time and screaming, and arching her back in her high chair, and kicking her high chair
  • screaming/back-arching at bedtime.  I now have to pace back and forth in her dark nursery with her while patting her back to get her to settle down for bed.  I think she is just developing so rapidly, it's hard for her brain to slow down at bedtime

I am busy with school and taking care of the Ems.  We are eagerly looking forward to spring time and being able to go for walks outside!  Also need to start job hunting soon.  Time flies!  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

7 months old

Emma is 7 months old today!  As I say every single month, TIME IS FLYING BY.  My baby is getting so big!  Here's what's new with her:

  • her sleep has returned to normal after being sick, thank god.  We start bedtime at 8:20 and she's down by 8:45.  Previously I had pushed bedtime back to 8:00 but it was a struggle to get her down.  I would be in her room with her for over a half hour trying to get her down for bed.  Finally I said enough is enough.  8:20 works for my baby and that's what were sticking with.  Now that I've gone back to her original bedtime it's been a breeze.  I'm sure it will get pushed back to an earlier time as she gets older, but for now this is what works for her.  She is waking up twice a night to eat, which is not too bad.  And she's sleeping 'till 7:00am.  THAT'S RIGHT, 7:00AM.  I never thought I would see the day.  She is still sleeping in her sleepsuit at night.  However when she starts crawling and can push up to a sitting position by herself, I'm taking the sleepsuit away. Then we will lower the crib and just put her in there in her jammies at night.  Dun, dun, dun!!  I am hoping she will like the freedom of movement and being able to sleep in any position she wants?  Also going to purchase a video monitor so I can obessively watch her after we take the sleepsuit away.

  • still not crawling yet but she is very, very close.  She lifts her butt all the way up in the air and pushes off with her legs.  She just can't figure out her arms and her head.  She is very good at scootching backwards though.

  • She sits up and plays with toys all on her own now.  Nice little break for mommy!

  • She loves reading books.

  • She loves hanging out with other kids/babies and "playing" with them.

  • She is eating solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner now.  She eats a combination of purees and "regular" food.  So far she's tried cheese quesadillas, a french fry, a pickle, oranges, banana, and toast.  The only thing she doesn't like is avocado.  It's so fun trying new foods with her.  We are still breastfeeding as well.  I plan on breastfeeding her until she's 12 months old.

As for me I am enjoying my last few days of freedom before school starts up.  My first day of class is February 8.  Between school and all the activities we go to, these next 4 months will be busy, busy, busy.  It is bittersweet. Last night we toured a new daycare facility that I think we are going to put Emma in.  Yes, even though Emma's not going into daycare until this summer we have to reserve a spot now.  I can't believe I will be going back to work soon and not spending all day with my daughter.  I'm sure the daycare ladies are going to have to push me out the door as I'm hysterically sobbing on the very first day.