9 months old. My little baby is 9 months old. Look at her up there! She's huge! Can't keep her still for pictures anymore. Only 3 more months 'till she's a year. I'm sure I will be a weepy mess at her birthday party.
Well Emma has a lot going on! She hit the 8 1/2 and 9 month mark and bam! She was off. Here's what's new with her:
- she is crawling! She just randomly started doing it one morning. Now she crawls all over the place. All over the living room, all over Maggie's dog bed, basically wherever we put her down.
- she is officially in love with Maggie and constantly crawls over to her to pet her. Maggie is tolerating it so far. Emma also likes to let Maggie lick her hand at dinner time, and then she laughs and laughs. It's adorable. I've got to get it on video.
- we transitioned her out of the Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit. Randy went in to get her one morning and she had rolled in her suit, so we were done. I put her in a Halo Sleepsack at night and the transition has been fine. I also give her her Wub A Nub and a blankie at night.
- sleep is still going okay. Emma is still waking up twice a night for feedings. She also usually wakes up around 4:00am. We let her cry at that time and put herself back to sleep. She usually does in 20 minutes or less. Eventually I'm going to have to stop the nighttime feedings. I know they are just habit for her at this point. But since I'm not working right now I don't mind getting up.
- she says "mama" and "dada" and knows what that means! Randy loves hearing her call him "dada".
- I am still breastfeeding her. She loves her milk, not sure how weaning will go whenever we get around to that. She also eats solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I give her real food. She loves it! Now that she is mobile she is hungry. She wolfs down her dinner, and if she wants more she will smack her tray.
- We started swim lessons with her and she absolutely loves it. She is a little fish, just like her mama. She wasn't scared of the water at all (it helps that the pool is heated to 91 degrees). She kicks her arms and legs, floats on her back (while I'm holding her), and even didn't mind water getting on her face. I hope she loves the lake just as much!
- We started stopping at the park on our daily walks. She is big enough to go in the baby swings now. She loves it, and we get big smiles and giggles as we push her.
I am super busy with school right now, it's crunch time for me with a lot of projects. Graduation looms. I have also started applying for jobs. Emma is scheduled to start daycare on June 2. Hopefully I find employment by then!