Emma is 2 weeks old today!
We had our 2 week check up at the doctor's office today. Emma is doing great! She has gained weight and is up to 7.76 pounds. So that means breastfeeding is going well and she is gaining weight like she's supposed to. I was glad to hear it, 'cause this kid is constantly on the boob! She is also 21.5 inches long (she was 21 inches at birth). And her head circumference has gone from 13.5 to 14.
Emma at the doctor's with some spitup. She was stressed.
I'm still struggling with boredom and a little bit of anxiety, but it gets better by the day. I try to keep myself busy and have an activity planned for almost every day. I've also scheduled visits with friends or have visitors coming over. If I get desperate enough I will just go to Target and walk around! (haven't done this yet, but I totally would).
This morning I tried pumping for the first time. I would really like Randy and other people to take over some of the feedings. Plus I need to start storing my milk. I did not get much milk, but that is common the first time I guess. If anyone has any pumping suggestions please leave a comment (you can comment as Anonymous and tell me who you are in the comment if you don't have a Google account). I am using the Medela freestyle pump.
Sleeping is going okay, I don't want to jinx it. When she has a growth spurt she is up every hour on the hour to feed at night. When she's not going through a growth spurt she seems to sleep for 3 or 2 hours. She still takes a mid morning nap and an afternoon nap. Like I said before, it's hard for me to sleep when she's sleeping. The mid morning nap is my only time to take a shower and get some stuff done (including pumping). The afternoon nap is more difficult, as she likes to be on me and won't nap anywhere else. So sometimes I'll sleep and sometimes not. I almost always go down with her at 7:00pm at night and just hope it's a good night. This is another reason we are so glad Randy changed his hours at work, so that we can all spend some time together in the afternoon before we go down for the night. Sometimes I really miss my husband!
My sister in law, niece, nephew, and mother in law are coming to visit this weekend. I am so excited to have people in the house and with me all day! Granted there won't be a whole lot I can do with them, as Emma and I just nurse all day long. But it will be so nice to have company and family to talk to. Also someone to hold the baby so I can take a shower or go for a walk! One thing I really enjoy is just getting out of the house to go for a walk or to sit on the back deck. But this 90 degree weather does not make that possible. I HATE being cooped up in the house all day.
Currently Emma is sleeping in her vibrating chair, but that is only because I am rocking it with my hand and she is right next to me. I'm going to take this opportunity to try to wolf down some food (we miss not having Daddy here to feed us), and then this afternoon we will watch tv on the laptop and wait for Dad to get home from work. Auntie Kristin is coming over for dinner tonight (it's her birthday!) so we are looking forward to that. Keep your fingers crossed that we have another good night at bedtime!
Megan, I know that breast milk is best and all, but its really most important the first 2 weeks and you have done that. Have you considered switching to formula so your not so bored and so that Randy and others can take over some of that? Both my kids were formula babies because I didn't produce enough due to breast reduction surgery. They are both fine and super smart! Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteHi Megan, I think pumping and giving Emma a bottle or two a day will help give you (and your boobs) a little break since babies tend to take bottles a lot faster. This is the main reason I pumped and bottled with the twins. I just couldn't deal with the hours and hours of nursing. The downside of exclusively pumping is that it's difficult to maintain your milk supply, but I think a bottle/breast combination would be perfect! If you don't already have a hands-free pumping bra, I would recommend getting one.
ReplyDeleteA hands-free pumping bra is key! I agree with Katie. If you don't want to buy one I remember the lactation nurse telling her class you can just make one with a sports bra. Just a couple of snips and you are ready to go. :)
ReplyDeleteBabies tend to cluster feed in the beginning. It usually takes 3-4 weeks to build up a supply. After you have the first month under your belt, it gets easier....and she will probably feed every 2-3 hours, making your life a whole lot easier! Drink lots of water and try massaging your breasts as you pump.
ReplyDeleteAre you swaddling for sleeping? There is no way my babies would have ever slept if not for a tight swaddle and a binky. Some babies give the binky up quickly and some you have to break from it but they saved my sanity as my kids were very oral babies.
ReplyDeleteThe only way I got enough milk with pumping was to take fenugreek--you should be able to find it at GNC or Whole Foods (I was taking it 3 times a day, but it is all natural and a great way to boost your supply). I also recommend pumping in the morning if you can figure out a good time because that is when your supply is the greatest. The first couple of weeks can be a drag, so don't fret! Like one of your friends said--after a while she will be down to 2 or 3 hours between feedings! And on a more predictable schedule. But it is so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are in the thick of it! Just know you are not alone and so many of your friends and family have been through this!
ReplyDeleteso great to talk with you this am while Nana was holding your little Emma. I am thrilled to see all the helpful comments from your friends. You will get past this! Look, you now have two weeks behind you and you are attempting the pump and bottle. Little steps, Meg and things will be rosier. Won't be long before cooler weather and you and Emma can do the outdoor scene with the stroller. You are such a great mom. Again, Randy is your rock and with his wonderful support you will pass by this no sleep time. Love you tons, Great Auntie Bobbi