Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Months Old!

Emma is 3 months old today!  Look at those chunky thighs.  As of today she weighs 12 pounds!! Here's what's new with her:

She is still sleeping through the night, and takes a morning and afternoon nap every day.  However, she is still sleeping at night in her rock 'n play and napping out in the living room in her vibrating chair during the day. We are also still swaddling her in the Miracle Blanket at night.  The clocks ticking though, 'cause she is going to outgrow the rock 'n play soon and 6 months is the longest we can swaddle.  I am scared.  However, I have a plan!  I plan on purchasing Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit when we have to transition to the crib.  I plan on waiting as long as possible.  And I'm going to do the transition on a weekend (in case we're up all night) and just do it cold turkey.  Stay tuned.  (hopefully we can avoid it for another 2 months).

I swear Emma does something new almost every day.  She is really into her hands now and will stare at them and shove her fists into her mouth.  She likes to look at them while opening and closing them.  She's starting to reach out and grab things too, including my hair.  She can roll over on to her side, but hasn't really figured out how to roll back.  Tummy time is not her favorite, but I make her do it a little bit every day.  She has gotten so strong, we have to be really careful when she's in the boppy now because she kicks out her legs and arches backwards.  One of our favorite games to play is "wrestling", where I put her on my chest and she climbs up me.  She is talking a lot, and we always make sure to talk back with her.  Also there is lots of laughing!  One of the best things is that she recognizes us and our voices when we come in to the room now.  She gets SO excited when Randy comes home from work; it's adorable.

Emma is taking a bottle like a champ!  She sucks them down now no problem.  She even took a bottle from her Bapa and her Nana.  Of course she always prefers the boob, but now I know she won't go hungry when I'm not around.

School and taking care of Emma is keeping me busy; the weeks are flying by.  We treasure our time with Randy on the weekends.  We are also looking forward to spending Sunday afternoons this fall with Nana, Grandpa, and Auntie K.  Before I know it the semester will be over!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, I bought the Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit! We put Ellie on her tummy to sleep as a newborn (both my other two slept best on tummies, in fact Isaac was up several times a night until he could roll over) so we just started Ellie out that way and by 8/9 weeks old she was/is sleeping 7:30-6 and wakes only once. But I worry since most SIDS cases happen at 2-4 months old. So I got this suit hoping to transition her to back sleeping. Not going to work, but I did try it out and I will say that it was like magic! I actually laid her down to sleep on her back and she barely startled and stayed asleep for a couple hours which is the longest she has slept on her back. She is a hot box though and woke up sort of sweaty so that may have been part of it. I had her in only a diaper too, so keep that in mind. You may need to turn the temp down or run a fan. Good luck!
