Tuesday, June 3, 2014

11 months

Emma is 11 months old!

Here's what's new with her:

  • She is pulling up to a standing position and even took a few steps.  She nows loves to pull up to standing on everything, including stairs.  

  • She crawls all around her crib.  We frequently find her in a sitting position playing with her pacifiers when we go in to get her.  She also has been sleeping on her tummy.

  • She crawls at lightening speed now, and always wants to be put down on the floor to explore.

  • Her language is rapidly expanding as well.  She "talks" all the time now, and still says "mama", "dada", "boo", and "puppy".  

  • She is still taking 2 naps a day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  She goes to bed around 7:30 at night and sleeps 'till about 6:30am.  

  • She loves to eat and is still having three meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  We are now giving her snacks.  She even signed to me the other day that she was hungry.  She also loves to hold her sippy cup.  She has whole milk at breakfast and dinner, and water at lunch/snacktime.  Sadly the breast feeding is tapering off a little.  She still likes to nurse in the morning when she first wakes up, and at night before bed.  I hope my supply keeps up as I would like to continue nursing her for a few more months.

And perhaps the most exciting news of all, I am going back to work!  I received an offer from a construction company to do Records Management, and I have accepted.  My first day is June 16, and that will also be Emma's first day at daycare.  It is bittersweet for me.  I am very excited about my new position, however I am also sad at the thought of leaving Emma.  We are doing a few test days at the daycare leading up to her first day.  Our lives, schedule, and routine are really going to change.  But we'll roll with it!  I'm excited for Emma to play with other kids her age every week day, and actually start learning some stuff.  I think it's going to be a good change for all of us.

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