Thursday, May 1, 2014

10 months old

Emma is 10 months old!

Well, can't keep the sticker on her anymore.  She is moving and grooving!  Here is what's new with her:

  • officially crawling everywhere, always on the move, wanting to explore
  • doing a little downward dog yoga posing
  • pulling herself up on things up to her knees
  • talking a lot, saying "Mama", "Dada", and making all kinds of noises
  • throwing temper tantrums when something she wants gets taken away from her
  • she has a voracious appetite, eats 3 square meals a day plus still breastfeeding
  • sleeping through the night!
  • still taking two naps a day
  • very curious about the world around her, loves to get out and see and do things
  • waves "hi" at people
  • gives giant open-mouth kisses
  • obsessed with tiny things:  buttons, things on the floor, zippers, strings, etcetera 

Emma is such a big girl now.  My little baby is gone!  It really does go by in a blink of an eye.
School is winding down for me.  My last day of class is May 17.  So excited to be done!  I've been applying for jobs but haven't had any interviews yet.  Emma is scheduled to start daycare on June 2.  I have mixed emotions about it.  But I really do think she will love it and will have so much fun playing with all the kids and the teachers.  I will miss her at first, but I know it's best for everyone.  I don't think I could handle being a stay at home mom if I didn't have school or some kind of work outside the home.  Plus I really want Emma to experience the socialization of being in daycare.  It will be a big transition for our family but we are ready for it!